Chathurani Arachchige Finalist for Evolution Meeting 2017 Presentation

Chathurani Arachchige Finalist for Evolution Meeting 2017 Presentation

Chathurani Ranathunge Arachchige, Ph.D. student in Dr. Mark Welch's lab, has been selected as a finalist for the W.D. Hamilton Award for outstanding student presentations and the 2017 Evolution Meeting, June 23-27, 2017, in Portland, Oregon. The award committee selects the finalists based on the quality of their submitted abstract. This year 15 applicants were selected to give talks in the W.D. Hamilton Award Symposium of the meeting. Finalists receive a $500 travel stipend to present at the symposium.

The Evolution Conference is the joint annual conference of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the American Society of Naturalists. It is the premier opportunity for the presentation and discussion of scientific research in all areas of evolutionary biology.