Vision and Mission Statement

The vision of the Department of Biological Sciences at Mississippi State University is to develop a strong regional and national reputation as a research-active biology department and to leverage our strengths in research to deliver a high-quality comprehensive education in the biological sciences.

The mission of the Department of Biological Sciences is to:

  • make scientific advances through peer-recognized scholarly research and communicate those findings among the scientific community;
  • prepare our students for successful entry into careers or programs of advanced study by providing:
    • undergraduate students a fundamental, contemporary, advanced academic base, practical laboratory and /or field experience, exposure to investigative research, and opportunities for applied outreach;
    • graduate students an advanced academic experience, the opportunity to conduct original, hypothesis-driven research in areas of faculty expertise built on high quality scholarship, and the means to convey this knowledge; and
    • distance learning graduate students a quality education that will contribute to improving science education at the secondary level; and to
  • engage citizens with results of these endeavors.