
Student Advising

Frequently Asked Questions

You need a “Change of Major Form”. Obtain the form from your current advisor. The form requires three signatures are required; your signature, your current advisor and your new advisor. Once you’ve obtained the signatures, you must turn in the form to the Registrar’s Office in Garner Hall.

There is only a certain amount of time that you are allowed to drop a class. Within the first six days of classes you can completely drop a class without a “W” or Withdrawal on your transcript. After the first month of classes you can drop a class and receive a “W” for the grade. However, once the withdrawal date has passed you will not be able to drop a class. Check the Academic Calendar for withdrawal dates. To drop a class you need a “Drop/Add Class Form”. This form can be obtained from your current advisor.

You can find out who your advisor is by one of two ways. You can ask the secretary in the department’s main office or you can go the Registrar’s office and ask there.

AP credit can be used to substitute for course work at the university level. However, for pre-med and pre-dental students this is not the case. Medical and Dental schools require an actual letter grade in classes required for admission. Specifically, 6 hours of English and 6 hours of Math are required on your transcript.

It would be wise to make an appointment with both advisors and discuss your options and career goals with them.

This is the numerical code you need in order to register for classes every semester. The code is different every semester. You obtain it from your advisor doing the pre-registration period. Dates of pre-registration will be posted and your advisor will let you know when you can set up an appointment. YOU CANNOT REGISTER FOR CLASSES WITHOUT IT.