Posters in the Rotunda-Congrats to Jackson Coole

Posters in the Rotunda-Congrats to Jackson Coole

Students from all eight of Mississippi's public universities shared their research and creative activities on topics ranging from healthcare to cultural heritage to environmental issues with legislators and state leaders at Posters in the Rotunda, held in the Rotunda of the State Capitol on Thursday, March 23. The students showed how their research solves some of Mississippi's most pressing problems and benefits the citizens of the state. The event highlighted the value of undergraduate research and the impact university research has on addressing Mississippi's needs.

Participating in undergraduate research projects provides a beneficial experience for the students, strengthening their academic, leadership and presentation skills and preparing them for research on the graduate level.

Jackson Coole, a Biological Engineering major, was one of four MSU students chosen to present their undergraduate research at Posters in the Rotunda. Jackson works in the research lab of Dr. James A. Stewart, Jr., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. His work focuses on environmental pollutants and their impact on human health and diabetes.