Dwayne Wise

Dwayne Wise


  • Faculty


  • Professor Emeritus



  • B.S. cum laude Biology, David Lipscomb College
  • M.S. Genetics, Florida State University
  • Ph.D. Genetics, Florida State University
University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Duke University

My research interest, in general, is to understand chromosome structure and behavior, especially in living cells. This includes the mechanism of chromosome movement, ways in which chromosome structure and behavior may be approached experimentally and the analysis of meiosis in organisms with unusual modes of chromosome distribution. More specifically, I am intrigued by activities of the kinetochores of chromosomes relative to the mitotic and meiotic spindles. I believe important questions about the cellular control of chromosome behavior (including distribution at mitosis and meiosis) can be answered by the study of living cells from species which have evolved unusual ways of distributing some or all of their chromosomes. Furthermore, I believe these studies on special kinds of living cells become even more revealing and powerful when coupled with correlative electron microscope studies. Other studies take advantage of various drugs (e.g., hydroxyurea and caffeine) to produce mitosis in cells that have unreplicated genomes. This allows us to analyze the "mitotic machine" reduced to its minimal components. Work with human-hamster hybrid cells has allowed us to quantify the rate of mitotic non-disjunction of individual human chromosomes under control conditions and when grown under conditions of mitotic challenge.

Clara I. Esteban-Pérez, H. H. Ortiz, N. A. Reichert, and D. A. Wise. 2015. Genomic instability in embryonic stem cells: a mechanism for adaptation and pluripotency maintenance. JFIV Reprod Med Genet 2015, 3:2.

Boudreaux, C. E., Chumbley, L. B., Scott, V. L., Wise, D. A., and K. S. Coats. 2012. Virol J. 9:88. Imbalance of placental regulatory T cell and Th17 cell population dynamics in the FIV-infected pregnant cat.

Elizabeth Evans and Dwayne Wise. 2011. Variation in missegregation rates among human chromosomes in hybrid cells. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 134:165-73.

Mary Kathrine Johnson and Dwayne A. Wise. 2010. Distribution of kinetochore fragments during mitosis with unreplicated genomes. Cytoskeleton 67:172–177.

Mary Kathrine Johnson and Dwayne A. Wise. 2009. The kinetochore moves ahead: Contributions of molecular and genetic techniques to our understanding of mitosis. Bioscience 59:933-943. (Cover article)  

Joon W. Shim, Dwayne A. Wise and Steven H. Elder. 2008. Effect of cytoskeletal disruption on mechanotransduction of hydrostatic pressure by C3H10T1/2 murine fibroblasts, The Open Orthopaedics Journal 2:155-162.

Mary Kathrine Johnson,Amanda M. Cooksey,and Dwayne A. Wise. 2008. Localization of spindle checkpoint proteins in cells undergoing mitosis with unreplicated genomes. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 65:890-895.

Herron, W. B., S. M. Lluesma, P. Arana and D. Wise. 2004. Alteration of the metaphase checkpoint by B chromosomes. Cytogen. Genome Res. 107:22-27.

Wilson, Paula J., Arthur Forer and Dwayne Wise. 2003. Microtubule distribution during meiosis in the flea beetle [Alagoasa (Oedionychus)] spermatocytes: evidence for direct connections between unpaired sex chromosomes. J. Cell Sci. 116:1235-1247.