Christopher Brooks

Christopher Brooks


  • Faculty


  • Associate Professor


  • Ecology and Organismal Biology
  • Computational and Mathematical Biology



  • 5 Harned Hall

B.S. Biology, Kennesaw State University

M.S. Biology, Murray State University

Ph.D. Biology, University of North Carolina

Colorado State University

The University of Texas

I am broadly interested in identifying mechanisms that affect the spread of organisms within and between populations.  In particular, I am interested in understanding how heterogeneity in both structure and function give rise to ecological amplifiers like superspreaders and keystone species. I am currently using plant-herbivore interactions for systems in North and South America to understand how spatiotemporal variation in population structure and host biodiversity affect herbivore dynamics.

Brooks, C.P., G.N. Ervin, G. Logarzo and L. Varone. in revision. Native ecotypic variation and the role of host identity in the spread of an invasive herbivore, Cactoblastis cactorum. Ecology

Marsico, T.D., L.E. Wallace, G.N. Ervin, C.P. Brooks, J.E. McClure and M.E. Welch. 2011. Geographic patterns of genetic diversity reveal a genetic bottleneck and multiple introductions for invasive populations of Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg). Biological Invasions 13: 857-868. doi: 10.1007/s10530-010-9874-9

 Brooks, C.P. and H. Zhang. 2010. A null model of community disassembly effects on vector-borne disease risk. Journal of Theoretical Biology 264: 866-873. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.03.016

 Brooks, C.P., J. Antonovics and T.H. Keitt. 2008. Metapopulation dynamics and persistence are explained by temporal heterogeneity in spatial network structure. American Naturalist 172: 149 – 159. doi: 10.1086/589451

Brooks, C.P. 2006. Quantifying population substructure: extending the graph-theoretic approach. Ecology 87(4):864 – 872. doi:10.1890/05-0860

Webb, C.T., C.P. Brooks, K.L. Gage and M.F. Antolin. 2006. Classic fleaborne transmission does not drive plague epizootics in prairie dogs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 103(16):623 – 641. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0510090103

Brooks, C.P. 2003. A scalar analysis of landscape connectivity. Oikos 102(2):4339. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0579.2003.11511.x